I always look for an excuse to bake something and of course these weekend we had our friends over, so that is no better excuse! I took all my books and magazines to look for something I haven’t done before and I found a plum cake with custard sauce. It didn’t work as in the book, actually in the end it was more like a plum cheese cake, but it was absolutely delicious!
For the cake you need: cream cheese, fine sugar, vanilla extract, eggs, brown caster sugar, butter, self rising flour and plum. For the custard you need milk, double cream, cornstarch, egg yolks, fine sugar and if you wish white chocolate.
In one bowl you mix the cream cheese, fine sugar, vanilla and 1 egg until a smooth mixture. In another bowl mix de butter, brown sugar, flour en another 3 eggs until a creamy mixture. Then you work layers in your bake form, first the creamy mixture, then the smooth mixture, mixing a bit with a fork, add the half of the plums and start again, ending with the last plums. Bake in a 170 degrees oven for about 50/60 minutes.
You can serve with some icing sugar and the custard. Enjoy with a cup of coffee or tea!

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