What a nice an sunny day was yesterday, I could really enjoy the weather, I did some bike riding and shopping and I even could sit in my garden with a cup of coffee and relax.
After checking my refrigerator I saw few things that needed to be cooked or throw away. Since I don’t like to throw away food, I decided to mix all the ingredients in a Frittata, you can combine ingredients as much as you like, every time you have a different frittata, a different taste, it’s perfect!
Mine yesterday had: leek, red onion, pancetta, diced ham, green peas and cherry tomatoes, of course you can have spinach, red or green pepper, onions, garlic, rocket, potatoes, salami, chorizo, … whatever you have in house, that’s the great of it. Then for the egg mixture, I had 5 eggs (you can use more or less depending on how much vegetables/meat you have), basil, siege, thyme, grated dutch cheese and grated parmesan. You can also use other different spices like parsley, oregano, rosemary, check what you have.
The first thing is to cook with olive oil the vegetables and meat until they are ready. In a bowl prepare the egg mixture, well beaten. Check if in the vegetables/meat there is much moisture, if that is the case take out a little bit, then add the egg mixture, mix well and add the tomatoes, cook for about 5 minutes. Then put the pan in a preheated oven at 150 degrees for another 15/20 minutes. Of course serve with some green salad and bread.
Now is your refrigerator empty and clean, plus you didn’t throw away food! 

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