Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Frittata with left over's (2)

Every now and then we all have to clean our refrigerator, we have to many left over’s like a bit of vegetables or meat or … that is not enough to prepare a meal but if you combine you can make something fantastic, like a frittata. So yesterday I decided to do so, “clean up” my vegetables and make one.
My ingredients yesterday for 1 frittata (enough for 2 adults and 1 child):
·         1 leak
·         Some champignons
·         Few spring onions
·         1 sweet red pepper
·         3 to 4 garlic cloves
·         Few cherry tomatoes cut in half
·         6 eggs
·         75 gr. grated parmesan
·         Quite a lot fresh basil, chopped
·         Fresh rosemary, also chopped
·         1 table spoon dried sage, of course you could use fresh if you have.

You could start with the eggs, in a bowl beat the eggs, then add the parmesan and the herbs, mixing all very well, add a bit of pepper.
In a pan that also in the oven can go, bake in olive oil the leak, add the sweet red pepper, champignons and garlic, bake then a few minutes. Add the spring onions and bake another 2 minutes. Pour the eggs mix into the pan, scoop all well, bake about 3 minutes and then put the half tomatoes in the frittata, like in the picture below. After that in a 150 degrees preheated oven, bake about 20 minutes, until the egg is ready. Serve with a nice salad and of course ciabatta bread.
You can make your own combinations, to give more taste you could have some salami or Serrano ham, also pancetta or bacon is perfect, spinaches, green peas, anything can go. About herbs, you can use thyme as well or dragon. That is what is so great about frittata you can give your own touch and every time will taste different but still so good! Enjoy cleaning up your refrigerator ;-)

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